Friday, July 27, 2007

Pork, Pig, Swine … not for mine!

Choosing Clean Meats

Pork and dishes made from pork top many Western and Asian food lists. Some people don't realize, however, that these foods come from an ‘unclean’ animal — swine.
The swine, or pig, did not make the Creator's list of "clean" animals for a very good reason.

Clean animals like cows and deer that chew the cud have an advanced digestive system that includes an alimentary canal and a secondary cud receptacle. They have three stomachs to process and refine their clean, vegetation-based food in a process that can take up to twenty-four hours.

Pigs on the other hand, never limit their diet to vegetation. They will eat anything they can find — including their own young and sick or dead pigs from the same pen. That’s why we call some people: pigs…because they eat everything (see the photo and article: they do not even mind swallowing wastewater!) and slowly also start looking like pigs!

It's no wonder, then, that pork contains poisons and by-products that can harm you, including the destructive enzymes cadaverine and putrescine.

I am NOT promoting vegetarianism at all here! I like to eat meat! Just mind that we, humans have a digestive track 3 times our length, suitable - like most herbivores - for a mainly fruit and vegetable diet.

Carnivore (meat eating) animals can have a track 20 times their length and have much more stomach acid, needed to digest the meat.

Now, think what happens if meat, like pork, starts quickly decaying and rotting in the long digestive track

For your health, stick to the animals that the Creator chose as his ideal food for humankind. Modern medicin also links eating of pork and other meats to colon disease and other diseases, like CVD’s (cardio vascular diseases) with clogging of arteries (Cholesterol), etc…etc...

The Creator's Meats

For a quick reference when it comes to choosing meats, remember the bible's guidelines: Choose meat from animals that have cloven hooves and also chew their cud. There are no exceptions to this rule. If an animal has just one quality or the other, its meat is unclean.

No joke: God knows us and what is good for us!

Enjoy your food!

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