Friday, June 08, 2007

Detox? Just watch what you eat!

It has been a while since I bought my last crate of juice from Cold Storage.

When I was reviewing some infomercials by Jack Lalanne last month, one thing this 93 year old fitness and health guru said was: “Whatever comes packed or boxed and is made by man is no good!” I stood still by that phrase and thought of it deeply.

Indeed, all that has been created by God has been declared good: fresh fruit, vegetables, grains, seeds, etc… yet today, all seemed to be processed and packed for easy storage and consumption.
Even if you take something made of organic produce, it still must be packed with something that prevents it from decaying or rotting. Hence, good ingredients are processed with food additives, acids, preservatives, some even toxic.
The final product is not that organic anymore. So, by nurturing our bodies, we actually stuff it with acids and toxics that imbalance our organ functioning and eventually gets stored up in our organs and joints and causes illnesses and cancer.

Ever wondered why everybody is talking “detox” now? Instead of “detoxing” our bodies, we’d better be careful of what goes into our mouths!!

So, I have decided to make my own vegetable and fruit juice at home and purchased myself recently this fantastic "Hippocrates" twin gear juicer!

So every 2-3 days, I buy a couple of kilo's fresh produce from the market and make some exotic mixes at home. That is really yummie!!

On top of that, Tio - our gardener here - has helped me to set up this little wheat grass garden so once in a while I get to drink this super healthy fresh wheatgrass.

Below are some links of sites that I have found interesting on the above subject and for fun I have also added some of Jack Lalanne’s interviews and oldies of his TV shows when he was 50 years younger!! Enjoy it...

Here is good ol' Jack, doing his facelift workout at age 88: click on this link .. Jack 88 ... very funny...and it seems to have worked for him!!!

... and here he is with his famous "powerjuicer"... and his trade mark "Good-bye song" he has been doing on his TV shows for more than 50 Years!!!

Have fun and enjoy the clips!

(Double click on the dark coloured links to be re-routed to the YouTube site...)

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