Today was my D-DAY !!
Usually I only write on nutrition but I thought it was beneficial to elaoborate on a detox. Often a body is hindered to absorb good nutrition because its digestion is not optimal.
"D" stands for DETOX but in my case also for
DELIVERANCE, as in delivering some stuff.
For me a detox is only a detox if what intoxicates your body
also comes out, either through urine or faeces. That is how the body functions.
The LIVER is the major detox plant in your body. Once it
gets intoxicated by a wrong diet, like any modern day life style diet (not just
Western!), it fattens (fatty liver and also gall bladder stones). Because our
food is loaded with chemicals and toxins, these get stored into the fat,
visceral fat around the organs, especially the liver, and make it therefore
more difficult to digest fatty food, etc, etc... it is really a vicious circle
and hard to get out of. Can't loose weight, because without a good working
liver and gall bladder your digestion is not optimal. Hence, more fat, more
A natural way for the body to protect itself from toxins is to store up
the toxins in fat. (by the way that is also why fat in meat is also classified
as health endangering as it contains most of the parasites and toxins ! )
So to really break that vicious circle, one needs to get the
fat out of the liver and gall bladder. This is done through a low fat diet in
general but I have tried many diets, pills, cholesterol lowering drugs,
etc...all much in vein, till I started doing these flushes. Basically it is
conditioning the liver and gall bladder by consuming malic acid as found in
green apples and apple cider vinegar. This softens the fat stones, made out of
fat, bad cholesterol, bile pigments and toxins.
Then you flush them out after
making sure your intestines are emptied (through a juice fast), enema or
Finally you purge the fat stones out through ingesting a
"Vinaigrette Cocktail" of olive oil and lemon juice....and
pee them out...from your rectal. Yes...does not sound easy and pleasant! I
agree. But once you have done it a few times, you get used to it and also feel
some drastic changes in your body.
Below some pics of how they look. They are not all that big!
I had a total of 900 smaller and bigger stones come out after 8 flushes.
How do I know? well...fat is lighter than water...they
actually float in your toilet bowl!!
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