Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Goji in the news - BBC & Times Magazine

Today the BBC published an article: "Goji good for you?"

Funny they start an article like this, as if asking in today's world if eating an apple, pear, carrot was good for you!?

I do not know why it is when people finally realize that what nature offers is usually good - God created all of it and He called it: "Good" - it is rediculized and not taken seriously.

Or do I read in between the lines here that some of these research projects are not supported by the rich pharmaceutical industry?

In today's news, we could also read that it was because government intervention and ditto subsidies, the wheat and meat industry was heavily supported, man became overloaded with carbo and meat diets - now leading to massive obesity and consequently heart and other related diseases. Because of this the fruit and vegetable prices have been inflated, with prices for fresh produce nearly not affordable or not available in many markets.

Ever thought how easy it is to eradicate poverty if the poor people could just farm and grow vegetables and fruits, sell it and keep some for their own consumption?


In 'Times Magazine' it is called: "Superfruit of the Year"

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