Saturday, November 02, 2013

Detoxing without delivering toxins from your body is not really a detox

 Today was my D-DAY !!

Usually I only write on nutrition but I thought it was beneficial to elaoborate on a detox. Often a body is hindered to absorb good nutrition because its digestion is not optimal.

"D" stands for DETOX but in my case also for DELIVERANCE, as in delivering some stuff.

For me a detox is only a detox if what intoxicates your body also comes out, either through urine or faeces. That is how the body functions. 

The LIVER is the major detox plant in your body. Once it gets intoxicated by a wrong diet, like any modern day life style diet (not just Western!), it fattens (fatty liver and also gall bladder stones). Because our food is loaded with chemicals and toxins, these get stored into the fat, visceral fat around the organs, especially the liver, and make it therefore more difficult to digest fatty food, etc, etc... it is really a vicious circle and hard to get out of. Can't loose weight, because without a good working liver and gall bladder your digestion is not optimal. Hence, more fat, more toxins. 
A natural way for the body to protect itself from toxins is to store up the toxins in fat. (by the way that is also why fat in meat is also classified as health endangering as it contains most of the parasites and toxins ! )
So to really break that vicious circle, one needs to get the fat out of the liver and gall bladder. This is done through a low fat diet in general but I have tried many diets, pills, cholesterol lowering drugs, etc...all much in vein, till I started doing these flushes. Basically it is conditioning the liver and gall bladder by consuming malic acid as found in green apples and apple cider vinegar. This softens the fat stones, made out of fat, bad cholesterol, bile pigments and toxins. 
Then you flush them out after making sure your intestines are emptied (through a juice fast), enema or colonics. 
Finally you purge the fat stones out through ingesting a "Vinaigrette Cocktail" of olive oil and lemon juice....and pee them out...from your rectal. Yes...does not sound easy and pleasant! I agree. But once you have done it a few times, you get used to it and also feel some drastic changes in your body.
Below some pics of how they look. They are not all that big! I had a total of 900 smaller and bigger stones come out after 8 flushes.
How do I know? well...fat is lighter than water...they actually float in your toilet bowl!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Clean or Unclean Food

Scientific Support for God's Wisdom on Healthy Living

Much of the wisdom in the divine design for meats was confirmed by a 1953 study in which Dr David Macht of John Hopkins University reported the toxic effects of animal flesh on a controlled growth culture.
A substance was classified as toxic if it slowed the culture’s growth rate below 75 percent. In each case, the blood of all animals Dr Macht tested showed up more toxic than the flesh. Hence the suggestion not to eat blood or products containing blood (such as the famous Flemish "bloed worst" I ate as a kid!)

The results show that the lower the growth percentage of the culture, the more toxic the flesh. Note that the flesh of animals and fish given to us by God for food are all non-toxic.

All the forbidden animals lie in the toxic range. (Animals without percentage rankings in the chart were not studied, but are included here to provide a more comprehensive list of clean and unclean meats.)

Don’t get confused: any number above 75% is non-toxic or clean to eat

Below 2 charts should make it easy for us to identify which meats we should choose to eat.

It also makes it apparent that we are eating many toxic substances that were not created for food.

The difference between clean and unclean animals appear to be related to their primary food source and to their digestive systems. Scavengers that eat anything and everything are unclean, not suitable for food, according to the Bible.
Animals described as clean and therefore good for food, primarily eat grasses and grains.

This examination of clean and unclean flesh could be a more revealing study considering today’s modern toxicologic technology.
The study did not include the mjassive use of growth hormones, anti biotics and other substances now used as "food" for much of the cultivated, mass produced chickens, cattle, pork, etc..

A loving God protects His people by showing them just which foods are safe.
He summarized His will in Leviticus Chapter 11.

Below the charts for 4-footed animals, birds and fish.
(adapted from M.D. Rex Russell's book, Wat the Bible says about Healthy Living )

NOTE: above charts are also available on Dr Rick Sawyer web site:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The French Organic Revolution

Few days ago, I watched this French DVD production, aka "Nos enfants nous accuseront" ( Our children will blame us ) and I really want to share this information.

Honestly, I was not expecting it to be a real story from agricultural France, where we esteem the foods to be created by gods!

I invite you to watch the trailer and if you have the resources to buy the DVD, watch it with your family and friends, because we need to change the way we buy, select and process what we eat.

Bon appetit and enjoy the trailer..


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Select your cosmetics carefully

What does this have to do with nutrition?

Well, I used to work for NuSin many years ago, so the phylosophy was:
"Food for the skin, must be all of the good and none of the bad."

Okay, I understood that, but when I read the labels on most cosmetics or food stuffs, I read that a majority of these ingredients have no benefit at all for your skin nor stomach. Even worse, they are damaging.

So next time you buy, do some research. Google is there for you!
Be informed and no longer ignorant. Health care is too expensive to be ignorant of this.
When you buy a BMW, you make sure you have all the guarantees and the right engine in it and put the right oil and fuel.

Treat your body liewise! It is more valuable than a BMW..

Monday, July 26, 2010

Vegetables That Fight Abdominal Fat

A unique way that a few specific vegetables can actually stimulate the burning of abdominal fat...

(article by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist)

Flat six pack,I bet you didn't know that there is a specific class of vegetables that contain very specific phyto nutrients that actually help to fight against stubborn belly fat.

Certain chemicals in our food supply and our environment, such as pesticides, herbicides, and certain petrochemicals from air and water pollution, household cleaners, cosmetics, etc can react with your body and make your body store excess abdominal fat.

These chemicals are known as xenoestrogens.

Xenoestrogens are chemicals that you are exposed to (and are hard to avoid in the modern world) that have an estrogenic effect in your body. Excess exposure to these can cause hormone balance disruptions for both men and women. So these can wreak havoc in the body for both guys and gals.

These estrogenic chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis can stimulate your body to store belly fat, along with many other problems (including cancer risks in the long term).

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, etc. contain very specific and unique phytonutrients such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C) that help to fight against these estrogenic compounds...

And by fighting against these belly fat stimulating estrogenic chemicals, this is just 1 more step in helping you to win the battle against abdominal fat!

Another (good) excuse to do what Mum always told you and eat more broccoli!

PS. In particular, I like to eat steamed Brussels Sprouts with some pepper or muscat powder over it!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Can we eat to prevent or starve cancer ?

Cancer, obesity ... what should we eat to prevent it?

Resveratrol (red wine), Lycopene (cooked tomatoes), blueberries ... funny...I seem to read this also in the book of Genesis.