Friday, May 13, 2011

Clean or Unclean Food

Scientific Support for God's Wisdom on Healthy Living

Much of the wisdom in the divine design for meats was confirmed by a 1953 study in which Dr David Macht of John Hopkins University reported the toxic effects of animal flesh on a controlled growth culture.
A substance was classified as toxic if it slowed the culture’s growth rate below 75 percent. In each case, the blood of all animals Dr Macht tested showed up more toxic than the flesh. Hence the suggestion not to eat blood or products containing blood (such as the famous Flemish "bloed worst" I ate as a kid!)

The results show that the lower the growth percentage of the culture, the more toxic the flesh. Note that the flesh of animals and fish given to us by God for food are all non-toxic.

All the forbidden animals lie in the toxic range. (Animals without percentage rankings in the chart were not studied, but are included here to provide a more comprehensive list of clean and unclean meats.)

Don’t get confused: any number above 75% is non-toxic or clean to eat

Below 2 charts should make it easy for us to identify which meats we should choose to eat.

It also makes it apparent that we are eating many toxic substances that were not created for food.

The difference between clean and unclean animals appear to be related to their primary food source and to their digestive systems. Scavengers that eat anything and everything are unclean, not suitable for food, according to the Bible.
Animals described as clean and therefore good for food, primarily eat grasses and grains.

This examination of clean and unclean flesh could be a more revealing study considering today’s modern toxicologic technology.
The study did not include the mjassive use of growth hormones, anti biotics and other substances now used as "food" for much of the cultivated, mass produced chickens, cattle, pork, etc..

A loving God protects His people by showing them just which foods are safe.
He summarized His will in Leviticus Chapter 11.

Below the charts for 4-footed animals, birds and fish.
(adapted from M.D. Rex Russell's book, Wat the Bible says about Healthy Living )

NOTE: above charts are also available on Dr Rick Sawyer web site: