In 1993, British researchers found that the greater the dosage of a statin drug, the lower the CoQ10 level.
In 2002, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that just 20 mgs of Simvastin® a day lowered CoQ10 levels by 22%!
Other research shows taking statin drugs can lower your CoQ10 level by as much as 40%!
And as you've read, without enough CoQ10 your heart will suffer, sputter and could even fail!
So why hasn't this warning made headline news?
The answer: GREED! More than 39 million Americans take statin drugs and Lipitor® is the top selling pharmaceutical in the world, topping $12 billion in sales annually. So you're certainly not going to hear about any statin drug warnings from the big drug makers.
"Statins have killed and injured more people than the government has acknowledged."
—USA Today, 8/20/01
"Statin-induced depletion of CoQ10 must be considered in the... epidemic of heart failure."
—Peter Langsjoen, M.D.
If you're taking any statin drug, you must also take 100 to 200 mg a day of CoQ10 to replenish your body's CoQ10 level and protect your heart.
Though many natural foods contain CoQ10, one may consider to supplement.