Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How to Get Sick: Eat Grocery Store Produce and Processed Foods

Pesticides and herbicides are among the world's most deadly chemical compounds. If a pesticide or herbicide kills one thing, it will probably kill, mutate, or seriously damage a whole host of other things. The problem with these compounds is that they tend to stay on the fruit, vegetable, or plant they were applied to. Toxins from our water, air, food, and buildings only make things worse.

Most pesticides are known carcinogens, and some of them pose as counterfeit versions of the female hormone estrogen. These xenoestrogens may promote cancer by stimulating estrogen receptors in the body.

Animal growth hormones are another cause for concern. They don't disappear after an animal is butchered, prepared for market, or cooked. They go right into our stomachs. Nor do they disappear from the milk of a cow treated with antibiotics. It is estimated that one glass of commercial, non-organic milk purchased from a grocery story may contain the residue of up to 100 different antibiotics!

Beyond the hormones that are injected directly into the animal, many of the meats we eat come from animals fed with antibiotic-laden feeds. Growth hormones in our food supply are even blamed for causing the abnormally early menses of young girls and for the overabundance of female hormones in young men. (Female hormones are given to milk cows to increase production.)

Hybridized foods are also unhealthy and could cause dangerous symptoms.

God says to eat every seed-bearing plant after its own kind. Hybridized, seedless watermelons or grapes cannot reproduce, and they may not be the healthy food sources we think they are.

Source: Don Colbert, M.D., Toxic Relief

Monday, July 21, 2008

Food: our idol?

History reveals that the most primitive people were generally the healthiest as well! Our ancestors rarely died from the diet- and lifestyle-related illnesses that kill most people nowadays, mainly because our ancestors ate healthfully and were more active.
They foraged from primary food sources such as wild game, fresh-caught fish from the sea or inland waterways, wild berries, nuts, and plant foods.

Our ancestors ate in order to live.
In our era, we have allowed food to become our idol, and too many people admittedly live to eat. Most modern men and women have strayed far from the Creator's foods, the same foods that nourished the world's healthiest people.

In our promiscuous society, we say yes to virtually every whim and desire of our palate, resulting in a global dilemma of an overweight, sedentary, and increasingly sick population.
It seems we eat to die faster!?

Monday, June 30, 2008

How to make milk kefir

Fermented Beverages

With all the artificially carbonated sodas and flavored coffee drinks out there, it's hard to think of popular modern beverages as healthy. It is time to return to lacto-fermented beverages, which contain beneficial probiotics, enzymes, and minerals instead of hundreds of grams of refined sugar.

Some scholars believe that the "new wine" consumed in the Bible was a nonalcoholic lacto-fermented beverage ( though I rather believe and prefer it was simply fermented red grape juice: WINE! ). These drinks also promote rapid hydration and enhanced digestion. Some typical fermented beverages available today include kefir, grape cooler, natural ginger ale, kombucha, and kvass.

These lactic-acid-rich drinks help relieve intestinal problems, including constipation. They can strengthen the sick and promote overall well-being and stamina and are even considered superior to plain water in their ability to relieve thirst during physical labor.

Remark: Any diary product in itself, produces lactic acid, which if consumed over a long time and for the majority of people can actually cause inflammation in the body. It can also contribute to "acidosis" a new general term of the body being too acidic instead of alkalyne. Acidosis causes many illnesses, such as osteo arthritis, rhumatoid arthritis, cancers, and many others which I will cover in another article.

Get Lactose Tolerant

The healthful probiotic bacteria that speed the lacto-fermentation process along feed on the lactose in milk, leaving behind a substance called galactose. This mono saccharide sugar is easily digestible.